... loading slideshow ... Sunrise at Head of the Meadow Beach in the National seashore on Cape Cod, ma

A Little Bit of Heaven

As the waves wash over my body
I feel their healing powers
Erasing the day’s tensions
I gently rise up and down
In sync with their rhythm
My body now belongs to the sea

I feel joy as the salt water gently bathes my face
The sound of the waves crashing on the shore
Calms my senses
Sand sifting through my toes
Feels like tiny diamonds
Mischievous seagulls are on patrol
Waiting to snatch their next meal
I smile as I hear the children’s laughter
Surely I am sitting on a little bit of heaven



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Why does this image go with this poem?

There’s something really special about spending time by the ocean. The rhythm of the breaking waves as they ebb and flow on the shore, the cry of the gulls, the smell of the salt, the quality of the light......need I go on? This was taken at sunrise and it was such a beautiful morning that I never wanted it to end. I’d like to think that you can experience the moment, my experience, my emotions through my photograph