... loading slideshow ... Spring cascades at Enders Falls in ct


A stepping stone into God’s world
As beauty and peace surround you
Stop and listen
Birds chirping are God’s silent whispers
Is there an answer to a prayer
Wisdom that you’ve been seeking
Loving words that need to be spoken
In the quiet of nature
There is much to hear
Open your eyes and ears
And you may be surprised



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Why does this image go with this poem?

“Stop and listen”           “Beauty and peace surround you”
Nancy’s words in this poem really describe the way I approach landscape photography. I plan an expedition based on a location or a time of day and in every case the destination is just the starting point. I like to take my time and really explore the options available for photography. In this case it was a matter of being in the right place at the right time. The late morning sunlight was in exactly the right place to bring life to the flow of the water. When I passed the same spot a couple of hours later the sun had moved on, the light had gone and the magic had disappeared